Scripture: Psalm 71:16, NKJV “I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only.” (Psalm 71: 16, NKJV) As we navigate through this world, we need to remember that we are mere vessels. We are carrying precious cargo: the …
Avoiding Mission Drift
Scripture: Matthew 25:13, NIV “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” (Matthew 25:13, NIV) We are counseled in Scripture to watch for many things. We are particularly told to be on the look out for the return of the Lord, which can happen …
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The Compass of Life
Scripture: Proverbs 28:26, NKJV and Judges 21:25, NKJV “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered.” (Proverbs 28:26, NKJV) “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges …
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