Discover a supernatural relationship with God that powers your life’s impact now and for eternity.
Supernatural Relationship
The very God who created the entire universe desires a personal relationship with you that begins with spiritual birth. It is a life-long journey that leads to a close, abiding relationship with God. If you have not yet been born again spiritually, you can begin a living and personal relationship with Jesus Christ right now.
Supernatural Power
The KingdomNomics Lifestyle is dependent upon Jesus to be the power source for transformed living. Son Power impacts spiritual life like sun power impacts physical life. Just as the sun is the source of life for the earth, we find that Jesus is our source of supernatural life. He generates the power we need to live the life God has planned for us.
Supernatural impact
We live in a perishable world. Our resources, time, talent, and treasure, are all perishable in the earthly realm, but they become imperishable when we invest them in the heavenly kingdom of God. Invest the time, talent, and treasure God has entrusted to you into things that create eternal value so your life will echo into eternity.

Point the needle of your life in the right direction.

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