Inspirational Posters
Be inspired with these KingdomNomics posters. Share them with others. (go to posters)
KingdomNomics DNA
The DNA markers of those who practice the concepts of KingdomNomics differ radically from those who abide by the “wisdom” promoted by the world system. (go to KingdomNomics DNA markers)
All of us are “in process” and are “on the way” to eternity. These questions may help you discover changes God wants to bring about in your life through the power of his indwelling Spirit. (go to self-assessment questions)
Have a Nice Day!
God wants you to have a nice day. But even more than that, God wants you to have a nice eternity in heaven with him. That is why he sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin. If you have never invited Jesus into your heart and accepted him as your Lord and Savior, click through this presentation invite him in now. (go to presentation)
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