“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:12–13, NIV)
A reward time is coming. There is a time when each one of us will stand in front of the Judgment Seat of Christ for the purpose of receiving reward or suffering loss of reward. We do have accountability to the Lord for what we have done or not done here on this earth. Jesus Christ is coming back, and he is bringing a reward with him.
Only to the extent that we build our lives on the foundation of Christ, by allowing him to live his life through us, can we expect the deeds we do in the body to be able to stand the test of fire.
God’s grace in many ways prioritizes opportunity. We serve the God who provides the opportunity to each one of us to respond to his grace. He is the God who draws us to himself through his Son Jesus Christ. He creates in us an increasing desire to invest in the imperishable values of his eternal kingdom. For those who respond to the opportunities he presents to us, the future is one of glory beyond human description to be enjoyed in his presence forever.
There is a message to those of us who are on the King’s team, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Ephesians 5:14, NIV). The time is short, and the eternal destinies of multitudes are at stake. We need to wake up and get busy doing the King’s business. If we follow this exhortation, Christ will shine on our lives. And when Christ shines on our lives, things happen!
We all have opportunities to build our eternal treasure, and the message to us is clear: We need to respond properly to the message of God, we need to reach for the best that God has to offer, and we need to press on toward the heavenly goal God has for us. Prayer, the Word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit will deliver us from the wiles of the consumerlator so that we can develop into the Converterlators God has planned for us to be.
Most of us are not “great” people in the eyes of the world. From a kingdom perspective, this gives us an advantage. God often uses the weak among us to accomplish great things. Each day is a new opportunity for us to serve him. Each new day is an opportunity to strategically invest our time, talent, and treasure into things of eternal value.
The question is, Are we spiritually astute enough to see this time as a time of eternal opportunity? In Matthew 6:20, Jesus tells us to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (ESV). Yes, we can have an eternal 401k. Yes, our treasure can last forever. It is guaranteed. The returns are fantastic; in fact, they are beyond our human ability to measure.
In what ways are you investing your time, talent, and treasure so that your life will echo into eternity?
Converterlators strategically invest their time, talent, and treasure into things of eternal value.
Link to Chapter 14 of Converterlator, “Echo into Eternity” or “Echo into Eternity” under Supernatural Impact
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