Experience Son Power
I love to watch the clouds in the sky during the day and in the brightness of the moon at night. Watching those clouds move is an illustration to me of how God is always on the move. He is continually working to change our circumstances and is always available to intervene in the affairs of mankind. Sometimes the clouds appear to be still, but if I watch long enough, I see their changing shapes, I notice them moving ever so slightly and silently. I would not even be aware of that movement if I was not focused intently on them. God is like this so much of the time. He is on the move in our circumstances. The landscape of our lives is constantly changing, and God is there, directing and guiding, even when we are unaware. The book of Psalms says it well, “Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there!” (Psalm 77:19, NLT). (read more)
Rising to Son Power
Picture in your mind for a moment a sunrise. Sun rays bursting forth, beautiful color, incredible potential, hope for a new day. The sun, the source of unbelievable and, for all practical purposes, virtually unlimited power. The sun, the focus of our existence as the earth revolves around it. Without the sun, life as we know it would be non-existent. The sun is the source of light and power for our entire planetary system. (read more)
Prerequisites for Experiencing Son Power
Everyone experiences sun power on a daily basis, but not everyone experiences Son power. God’s Word reveals to us that certain steps are necessary in order to experience the full power of Jesus Christ. Failure to understand these steps and properly apply them will short circuit the Son Power working in our lives. (read more)
Barriers to Experiencing Son Power
Why does it seem that so often we are powerless to accomplish great things for God? I believe it is because there are several barriers that keep us from experiencing God’s power through the Holy Spirit. Think about it for a moment, what in your life keeps you from being empowered by the Holy Spirit? I believe most barriers fall under one of four categories: sin, reliance on self, head knowledge of God’s Word that does not result in heart knowledge, and failure to surrender to God’s will. (read more)
Having a True Desire for Experiencing Son Power
As you consider your desire for experiencing Son Power, is it fueled by intentionality? Is your desire a wish or is it actually a goal that you are willing to pursue? Are you simply thinking about the power of God in your life, or are you truly positioning yourself to experience it? (read more)
Son Power Is Anchored in God’s Word
The Word of God is like a diamond; it has many facets. Its applications are numerous. It is living and powerful, and it works in those who receive and trust in it as God’s revealed will for us. We can read passages multiple times, and depending on our needs at the moment, we can discover a new or different application that speaks to our heart and specific situation. (read more)
Jesus Christ Is Our Power
Picture the sun rising on a beautiful, clear morning. We see it slowly peeking out over the horizon, as time passes it becomes more noticeable, the heat increases, the light becomes stronger until it is fully visible, a ball of light casting its intense glow over everything. The earth awakens each day to this light; plants grow and life is sustained. In much the same way, the Son rises in our heart. We accept him into our life and he progressively overcomes the darkness of our old life, a life without him and full of self. As bits of this darkness are forced away through our increasing knowledge of him, the Son blazes forth, in ever greater intensity, into our everyday life. We become partners with him as we become more and more aware of his power in us. (read more)
Son Power at Work
The late Dr. Bill Bright once wrote, “The more we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide and control our lives, the more Christ’s character will shine in what we say and do.” That’s what I want for my life, for the Son to be shining in all that I say and do. (read more)
Living the Son-Powered Life Day by Day
God has created us in Christ Jesus to do good works (see Ephesians 2:10, NIV). It is our responsibility to be the hands and feet and voice of Jesus. God has taken each one of us, transformed us, and now has a plan for how we can make a difference in his world. (read more)
Facing Spiritual Opposition Head On
Let’s face it, the difficulties we see and experience on a daily basis are beyond our ability to fix. Satan is doing everything he can to convince us that we really don’t need God or his power working in us, for us, or through us. How do we deal with the opposition we inevitably are encountering? (read more)
Applying Son Power to the Use of Your Time
Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13). Jesus Christ is not only the beginning and the end, but he is also everything else in between. The apostle Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21, NIV) and “Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth” (Colossians 3:2). We are to live for him, glorify him, and finish the work he has given us to do. So here is my question for you: Are you actually living your life with this purpose? (read more)
Applying Son Power to the Use of Your Talent
Every person has been given a gift or talent from God, and some people may have multiple gifts. The use of talent resembles the use of time and treasure in that it can be spent achieving earthly goals like fame, prestige, pleasure, stuff, money, and power, or it can be invested in the kingdom of God. (read more)
Applying Son Power to the Use of Your Treasure
As we soak our minds and hearts in the truth of God’s Word, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to pursue and accomplish his work not only in this world but for the world to come. The Bible clearly says, “Keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts” (1 John 5:21,NLT). No matter how you define your personal “treasure,” it is important to remember that these things in and of themselves are not wrong. However, if they take the place of God in your life, then you have a big problem. (read more)
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