Memorize and Meditate
“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6, ESV)
Soak your Heart
The first step in soaking our heart in God’s Word is to memorize and meditate on it. The above verse is one we want to sink ever-so-deeply into our heart. Faith in God’s existence is key in developing a living relationship with our Creator through the person of Jesus Christ.
All of creation “screams” of his existence when we think of the complexity and vastness of the universe… when we contemplate the intricacies of the human body, including the fact that an eyeball has 2 million moving parts, and the eye can see 10 million colors. Only God could create something this complicated.
Most importantly is the promise he rewards to those who seek him. Wow! I want that! So I will seek God!
How do I do that? I immerse myself in his Word.
Sow to the Spirit
When I talk to God, I recite and pray the verse(s) I have memorized and meditated on over a period of time.
Pray: Father, I believe you exist, and by faith I believe you reward those who diligently seek you. I seek your face!
God responds to faith. His Spirit imparts life to our mortal body. His Word gives life. He gives us the expectation that what we have prayed will be done for us in his way and time. When we sow to the Spirit, we reap eternal life in the here and now, and forever!
Flow with the Spirit
I move into my everyday life under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I flow with him as he leads me in the paths he has chosen for me. I eagerly anticipate that what he has said in his Word will become true in my life as I set him before me.
Memorize today’s verse. Meditate on it for a week, whenever you have the chance. Soak, sow, and flow with it for a week and see what happens!
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